Source code for locust.env

from __future__ import annotations

from operator import methodcaller
from typing import Callable, TypeVar

from configargparse import Namespace

from .dispatch import UsersDispatcher
from .event import Events
from .exception import RunnerAlreadyExistsError
from .runners import LocalRunner, MasterRunner, Runner, WorkerRunner
from .shape import LoadTestShape
from .stats import RequestStats, StatsCSV
from .user import User
from .user.task import TaskHolder, TaskSet, filter_tasks_by_tags
from .web import WebUI

RunnerType = TypeVar("RunnerType", bound=Runner)

[docs]class Environment: def __init__( self, *, user_classes: list[type[User]] | None = None, shape_class: LoadTestShape | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, locustfile: str | None = None, exclude_tags: list[str] | None = None, events: Events | None = None, host: str | None = None, reset_stats=False, stop_timeout: float | None = None, catch_exceptions=True, parsed_options: Namespace | None = None, available_user_classes: dict[str, User] | None = None, available_shape_classes: dict[str, LoadTestShape] | None = None, available_user_tasks: dict[str, list[TaskSet | Callable]] | None = None, dispatcher_class: type[UsersDispatcher] = UsersDispatcher, ): self.runner: Runner | None = None """Reference to the :class:`Runner <locust.runners.Runner>` instance""" self.web_ui: WebUI | None = None """Reference to the WebUI instance""" self.process_exit_code: int | None = None """ If set it'll be the exit code of the Locust process """ if events: = events """ Event hooks used by Locust internally, as well as to extend Locust's functionality See :ref:`events` for available events. """ else: = Events() self.locustfile = locustfile """Filename (not path) of locustfile""" self.user_classes: list[type[User]] = user_classes or [] """User classes that the runner will run""" self.shape_class = shape_class """A shape class to control the shape of the load test""" self.tags = tags """If set, only tasks that are tagged by tags in this list will be executed. Leave this as None to use the one from parsed_options""" self.exclude_tags = exclude_tags """If set, only tasks that aren't tagged by tags in this list will be executed. Leave this as None to use the one from parsed_options""" self.stats = RequestStats() """Reference to RequestStats instance""" = host """Base URL of the target system""" self.reset_stats = reset_stats """Determines if stats should be reset once all simulated users have been spawned""" if stop_timeout is not None: self.stop_timeout = stop_timeout elif parsed_options: self.stop_timeout = float(getattr(parsed_options, "stop_timeout", 0.0)) else: self.stop_timeout = 0.0 """ If set, the runner will try to stop the running users gracefully and wait this many seconds before killing them hard. """ self.catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions """ If True exceptions that happen within running users will be caught (and reported in UI/console). If False, exceptions will be raised. """ self.parsed_options = parsed_options """Reference to the parsed command line options (used to pre-populate fields in Web UI). When using Locust as a library, this should either be `None` or an object created by `argument_parser.parse_args()`""" self.available_user_classes = available_user_classes """List of the available User Classes to pick from in the UserClass Picker""" self.available_shape_classes = available_shape_classes """List of the available Shape Classes to pick from in the ShapeClass Picker""" self.available_user_tasks = available_user_tasks """List of the available Tasks per User Classes to pick from in the Task Picker""" self.dispatcher_class = dispatcher_class """A user dispatcher class that decides how users are spawned, default :class:`UsersDispatcher <locust.dispatch.UsersDispatcher>`""" self._remove_user_classes_with_weight_zero() self._validate_user_class_name_uniqueness() self._validate_shape_class_instance() def _create_runner( self, runner_class: type[RunnerType], *args, **kwargs, ) -> RunnerType: if self.runner is not None: raise RunnerAlreadyExistsError(f"Environment.runner already exists ({self.runner})") self.runner = runner_class(self, *args, **kwargs) # Attach the runner to the shape class so that the shape class can access user count state if self.shape_class: self.shape_class.runner = self.runner return self.runner
[docs] def create_local_runner(self) -> LocalRunner: """ Create a :class:`LocalRunner <locust.runners.LocalRunner>` instance for this Environment """ return self._create_runner(LocalRunner)
[docs] def create_master_runner(self, master_bind_host="*", master_bind_port=5557) -> MasterRunner: """ Create a :class:`MasterRunner <locust.runners.MasterRunner>` instance for this Environment :param master_bind_host: Interface/host that the master should use for incoming worker connections. Defaults to "*" which means all interfaces. :param master_bind_port: Port that the master should listen for incoming worker connections on """ return self._create_runner( MasterRunner, master_bind_host=master_bind_host, master_bind_port=master_bind_port, )
[docs] def create_worker_runner(self, master_host: str, master_port: int) -> WorkerRunner: """ Create a :class:`WorkerRunner <locust.runners.WorkerRunner>` instance for this Environment :param master_host: Host/IP of a running master node :param master_port: Port on master node to connect to """ # Create a new RequestStats with use_response_times_cache set to False to save some memory # and CPU cycles, since the response_times_cache is not needed for Worker nodes self.stats = RequestStats(use_response_times_cache=False) return self._create_runner( WorkerRunner, master_host=master_host, master_port=master_port, )
[docs] def create_web_ui( self, host="", port=8089, web_login: bool = False, tls_cert: str | None = None, tls_key: str | None = None, stats_csv_writer: StatsCSV | None = None, delayed_start=False, userclass_picker_is_active=False, ) -> WebUI: """ Creates a :class:`WebUI <locust.web.WebUI>` instance for this Environment and start running the web server :param host: Host/interface that the web server should accept connections to. Defaults to "" which means all interfaces :param port: Port that the web server should listen to :param web_login: If provided, an authentication page will protect the app :param tls_cert: An optional path (str) to a TLS cert. If this is provided the web UI will be served over HTTPS :param tls_key: An optional path (str) to a TLS private key. If this is provided the web UI will be served over HTTPS :param stats_csv_writer: `StatsCSV <stats_csv.StatsCSV>` instance. :param delayed_start: Whether or not to delay starting web UI until `start()` is called. Delaying web UI start allows for adding Flask routes or Blueprints before accepting requests, avoiding errors. """ self.web_ui = WebUI( self, host, port, web_login=web_login, tls_cert=tls_cert, tls_key=tls_key, stats_csv_writer=stats_csv_writer, delayed_start=delayed_start, userclass_picker_is_active=userclass_picker_is_active, ) return self.web_ui
def update_user_class(self, user_settings): if isinstance(self.runner, MasterRunner): self.runner.send_message("update_user_class", user_settings) user_class_name = user_settings.get("user_class_name") user_class = self.available_user_classes[user_class_name] user_tasks = self.available_user_tasks[user_class_name] for key, value in user_settings.items(): if key not in ["user_class_name", "tasks"]: setattr(user_class, key, value) if key == "tasks": user_class.tasks = [task for task in user_tasks if task.__name__ in value] def _filter_tasks_by_tags(self) -> None: """ Filter the tasks on all the user_classes recursively, according to the tags and exclude_tags attributes """ if getattr(self, "_tasks_filtered", False): return # only filter once self._tasks_filtered = True if self.tags is not None: tags = set(self.tags) elif self.parsed_options and getattr(self.parsed_options, "tags", False): tags = set(self.parsed_options.tags) else: tags = None if self.exclude_tags is not None: exclude_tags = set(self.exclude_tags) elif self.parsed_options and getattr(self.parsed_options, "exclude_tags", False): exclude_tags = set(self.parsed_options.exclude_tags) else: exclude_tags = None for user_class in self.user_classes: filter_tasks_by_tags(user_class, tags, exclude_tags) def _remove_user_classes_with_weight_zero(self) -> None: """ Remove user classes having a weight of zero. """ if len(self.user_classes) == 0: # Preserve previous behaviour that allowed no user classes to be specified. return filtered_user_classes = [ user_class for user_class in self.user_classes if user_class.weight > 0 or user_class.fixed_count > 0 ] if len(filtered_user_classes) == 0: # TODO: Better exception than `ValueError`? raise ValueError("There are no users with weight > 0.") self.user_classes[:] = filtered_user_classes
[docs] def assign_equal_weights(self) -> None: """ Update the user classes such that each user runs their specified tasks with equal probability. """ for u in self.user_classes: u.weight = 1 user_tasks: list[TaskSet | Callable] = [] tasks_frontier = u.tasks while len(tasks_frontier) != 0: t = tasks_frontier.pop() if isinstance(t, TaskHolder): tasks_frontier.extend(t.tasks) elif callable(t): if t not in user_tasks: user_tasks.append(t) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized task type in user") u.tasks = user_tasks
def _validate_user_class_name_uniqueness(self): # Validate there's no class with the same name but in different modules if len({user_class.__name__ for user_class in self.user_classes}) != len(self.user_classes): raise ValueError( "The following user classes have the same class name: {}".format( ", ".join(map(methodcaller("fullname"), self.user_classes)) ) ) def _validate_shape_class_instance(self): if self.shape_class is not None and not isinstance(self.shape_class, LoadTestShape): raise ValueError( "shape_class should be instance of LoadTestShape or subclass LoadTestShape, but got: %s" % self.shape_class ) @property def user_classes_by_name(self) -> dict[str, type[User]]: return {u.__name__: u for u in self.user_classes}